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Forecall was selected into the white list of national new energy power battery recycling standard enterprises
Source: | Author:General manager | Published time: 2022-11-17 | 1822 Views | Share:

On November 16, 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China officially announced the list of enterprises that are eligible for the comprehensive utilization of power battery recycling in the country. Forcecall (Tianjin) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. became the 49th whitelisted enterprise. Since the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the first batch of whitelists of new energy power battery recycling companies in August 2018, there are a total of 47 companies in the first three batches released by 2021, plus the 41 companies released this time, the state issued a total of 88 companies on the white list.

Being selected into the national white list will become an important milestone for Forcecall on the road of improving the "echelon utilization" technology of new energy power batteries and standardizing the development of comprehensive production capacity. There is reason to believe that at a new starting point, looking forward to the future, and joining hands with many ecological partners, Forcecall will definitely expand new territories and write a new chapter in the field of new energy power battery recycling business!

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