The current position:
Decathlon, a well-known professional outdoor sports equipment brand, visited Forcecall
Source: | Author:General manager | Published time: 2022-10-28 | 1147 Views | Share:

On October 14, 2022, Mr. Xu Xiaoming, Production Director of Decathlon (Tianjin) Sports Products Co., LTD., and Mr. Frederic, Purchasing Manager of Decathlon (China), visited Forcecall.

The two sides had in-depth exchanges on the intelligent energy management platform and battery management system BMS developed by Forcecall. And visited the manufacturing center, combined with the experience of Decathlon, shared a lot of constructive opinions in design, research and development, production and manufacturing.

This exchange will not only open a new starting point for TOB business, but also become a new breakthrough for TOB brand promotion and cooperation channel extension.